5 ways to recycle your real Christmas tree
Christmas has come to an end, and you have this giant real Christmas tree in your house… what are you going to do with it? There are many things you can do with your Christmas tree after Christmas. Here at CountryLife we have complied a list of 5 things that you can do with your Christmas tree that helps to benefit the environment, wildlife and your garden!
1. Make Mulch or Compost
Recycling your Christmas tree can help the environment and provide food for your garden because real Christmas trees are biodegradable!
You can turn your Christmas tree into mulch. Simply cut off the small branches and spread them all around your garden. The pine needs fall off which helps the soil to stay moist.

You can also make compost out of your tree. The thin branches are perfect for the bottom of the compost pile because it allows air flow at the bottom of the pile. The branches will break down over time. Just cut them down so they fit in your bin, then stack them four to six inches high.
Another option is to lay your tree on its side in your garden. This will offer shelter to the wildlife in your garden such as birds and rabbits.
2. Firewood
You can cut up your Christmas tree to use as firewood. Firewood from a Christmas tree shouldn’t be used in an indoor fire or stove fire because it contains a naturally occurring chemical called creosote. This causes fires to burn extremely hot and send off sparks which can be dangerous.
You can trim the branches and cut them up into small pieces which can be used as kindling on the fire.
3. Protection for your Perennials
The branches of the tree can act as both protection and food for perennials. Cut off the branches of the tree and place them beneath the plant. The branches help protect them from frost, the pine needles help to moderate the soil temperature.
Over time the branches will start to break- down and turn into mulch which will provide nutrients for both the soil and the plant.

4. Give a branch to your fish
Cut off a small branch from your tree and you can place it in your fish tank. This will act as a place for the fish to hide and relax. Make sure the branch is clean before you put it into the fish tank.
5. Replant pot-grown trees
If you aren’t ready to part with your tree yet you can replant it. There are two ways you can replant your tree, in the ground or in a pot but you can only do this with pot-grown trees. The tree can act as an excellent shelter for birds during the cold winter months. You can hang a bird feeder off of the tree too.

We’re here to help
If you need any help with how to recycle your Christmas tree talk to any of our horticulturists in store or contact us on social media. We’d love to help!