July in the Garden
July is a time for sitting out, relaxing and enjoying your garden. However, there is always something you can be doing to keep on top of your garden:
Plant Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are a hardy plant that will flower in almost any type of soil and require little maintenance. Mophead (pom-pom shaped) and lace-cap (round and flat) hydrangeas have a unique ability to change colours depending on what soil they’re planted in.

Hydrangeas can be planted from spring onwards, after the last frosts. They should be ideally planted in a semi-shaded part of the garden in moist, well-drained soil and away from trees where they don’t have to compete with other roots.
Hydrangeas require little maintenance. Regular pruning encourages new growth and prevents plants from becoming scruffy so can be worth doing.
Hydrangeas do require a lot of water (Their name comes from “Hydro” which means water) so be sure to keep an eye on them on hot summer days. Try to gather rainwater in a water butt and use this rather than mains water supplies as this tends to affect the colour of the flower.
Deadhead Bedding Plants
Deadheading is a vital task throughout the growing season. Neglecting this can cause flowers to fade and damages the overall appearance of your garden, as energy is focused into the development of the seeds flowers form after shedding their petals.
Snapping or cutting off dead flower heads can lead to better flowering performance in many perennials. Simply pinch or cut off the flower stem below all of the wilting flowers and above the first set of full leaves.
Sometimes it can be more beneficial to shear the plant back entirely. Shear away the top few inches of the plant, just above any faded blossoms.

Feed Lawns
Feeding your lawns is vitally important this time of year, particularly when they start looking tired. Without fertiliser, your lawn will quickly use up the soil’s nutrients causing it to become thin and pale.
We recommend Evergreen Complete, a 4 in 1 lawn feed that kills both weed and moss with a unique water smart formula protecting your lawn from heat, drought and other stresses.
Feed can be applied by hand or by push spreader. Make sure to always wear gloves if applying feed by hand. The best time to apply feed is when the ground is moist.

Get rid of moss on your lawn with Mo-Bacter. Mo Bacter prevents moss as well as feeding your lawn. The enzyme in Mo-Bacter is activated at 12 degrees Celsius, and is effective for up to 100 days.
Protect Crops from Cabbage-White Butterfly
As the name suggests, the Cabbage White Butterfly is a pest that feeds on cabbage and other brassicas. It lays eggs on the underside of leaves and after a week or so the larvae will emerge from the egg ready to eat whatever is around.
The most effective preventative method is by investing in some strong butterfly-proof netting.
Make sure the barrier is firmly held down around your crops and leave no gaps for butterflies to squeeze through. This can be done by burying the edges of the netting in the soil.
Attracting birds to your garden is another great way of controlling Cabbage-Whites, so it might be a good idea to invest in bird feeders.

Continue to Spray Roses to Prevent Pests and Diseases
Roses are in full bloom by July. Prevent blackspot in your roses by applying Rose Clear sparingly. Not only does Rose Clear protect against blackspot, it is also very effective in deterring greenflies and aphids.
If you prefer to use chemical-free alternatives for controlling greenfly and aphids check out our blog Aphids Away.
Get in Touch!
If you have any questions about hydrangeas, deadheading, feeding lawns, cabbage whites or spraying roses contact us on social media. If you have a specific problem such as pest damage it’s really helpful to send us a picture- we’d love to help!
All products mentioned in the above blog can be bought on tirlancountrylife.ie or in you local Tirlán CountryLife branch. To find your nearest store click here.

Rose Clear Ultra Gun 1L
A convenient hand sprayer that combines a systemic insecticide with a systemic fungicide to control pests and diseases on roses and other flowering and ornamental plants.
Price: €8.95

Fiskars Smartfit Bypass Pruner
Ergonomic and lightweight, this SmartFit Bypass Pruner from Fiskars features an adjustable SmartFit lever that allows users to change how wide the handles open, providing easy, comfortable use no matter the size of your hand.
Price: €29.95

Easygreen Rotary Spreader 27in
The Easygreen spreader is ideal for using lawn treatments and spreading grass seed on lawns. It has a capacity of up to 10kg and a spreading width of 1.8m. Avoid the heavy lifting of bags or direct contact with garden fertilizers with this spreader. It has foldable handles making it easy to store for use year after year.
Price: €89.95