March in the Garden
As the weather gets warmer and the evenings get longer, we’ve compiled a list of jobs around the garden that will have you more than prepared for this growing season.
Prune shrubs
Early March is a great time of the year to have a pair of secateurs in or pruners your pocket. You will always find the odd overgrown shrub that needs pruning. Pruning improves a plant’s shape and encourages flowers and fruits.
Examples include the Buddleia, Caryopteris, Hydrangea and some Winter flowering shrubs (that have finished flowering).
Late March is also a good time to carry out pruning on evergreen shrubs that may have suffered frost damage such as hebes if the young growing tips are scorched by frost.
By Mid-March all rose pruning should be complete.

Control slugs and snails
The temperature should slowly start to creep upwards in the coming weeks and encourage new growth which is irresistible to slugs and snails.
Be sure to take action now and put slug barrier products around any tender new shoots.
Read more about slug and snail control in our blog- The Great Slug & Snail Battle.

Mulch Borders

The best way to improve the soil in established borders is to mulch the surface with a layer of organic matter, such as garden compost.
It will also help to suppress weeds and trap moisture in the soil. Don’t forget to top dress containers with fresh compost.
If you want to slow down weed growth in the soil by retaining moisture it is important to be generous with the amount of mulch you apply. Generally about 2-3 inches should do the trick.
Give your lawn its first cut
On established lawns the first cut of the season can be made, not too short, just removing the tips. Where moss is a problem on the lawn Moss Killers can be applied at this time.
Towards the end of March, provided the ground is not too wet, is an ideal time to start preparing areas for sowing in April.
Improve your soil
Dig plenty of compost into heavy clay soils, this will encourage lots of beneficial subterranean life who then convert all that organic matter into a form useful to your plants. This will improve your plant growth and the drainage within your soil.
Seed Potatoes
Although it may seem a little early to start planting potatoes with the ground still wet, it’s no harm to have your early and main crop seed potatoes prepared. Even if you don’t plant them just yet, it’s a good idea to let them sprout on a windowsill in order to have them ready to plant for the growing season.
Summer Bulbs
In addition to potato seeding, many people invest in summer-flowering bulbs at this time of year with a view to getting an early splash of colour in the garden come April and May.
Buying bulbs can also work out to be a cheaper alternative to buying the actual plant later in the year, as well as allowing the plant to adapt to the garden making it stronger in the long term.
Some of the more popular flowering bulbs at this time of year include Gladiolus, Lilies, Wallflower, Hyacinth Ranunculus and Dahlias.

We’re here to help
If you have any questions about looking after your garden talk to any of our horticulturists in store. If you have a specific problem like pest damage on a plant, it’s really helpful to bring us a photo of it. We’d love to help.